Tuesday, 31 March 2015

What a colourful school life!

We celebrated 100 day in February with many numeracy activities centred around 100 objects.

 Valentine's Friendship Festival followed that same week.  As you can tell by these photos, it was a colourful celebration!  Thank you for not sending "extra" edible treats - there were plenty to be had with the Valentine exchange! 

Some math work with geometry and "order-discovering" with shapes, patterns, and tangrams! 

 Good old flashcards come in handy for this Dr. Seuss version of snakes and ladders; if students solved the math equation, they could move that many spaces forward. 

Our NIcaragua Country Study started with an explosive "bang" as we watched a volcanic eruption!

Painting beautiful ocean backdrops for our metallic turtles. 

Making pinch pots to remind us of the many artisans in Nicaragua who make pottery.

As you have seen, we structured our Nicaragua unit around our interactive lapbooks.  Students found this process quite engaging and enjoyed some research about areas of interest and finding answers for some of their "wonderings" about the country.

Our students paid a short visit to Grade 1 to use their lapbooks to share what they had learned about Nicaragua. 

 Please continue to pray for this beautiful country and for its people!